Renovation Update, Part 23


All Saints is really starting looking like a church again with the arrival of the furniture this week. Early Monday morning a truck arrived from Pennsylvania with our new pews, altar, ambo, reredos, and all the other new furniture. Crews worked hard all week getting everything assembled, and the final phase of the renovation is really taking shape! There’s still lots to do, but we’re getting there. At this point in the project we’re now into final details territory as we prepare to move back upstairs.

The five murals for the reredos arrived on Friday, and they’re superlative.

It’s hard to believe, but this will be my last weekly renovation blog post! Next weekend on Sunday, January 21st from 1:00pm to 3:00pm we’re going to be having our Open House, so I hope you all will come to see the completed church in person. I’ve had a lot of fun sharing progress in this blog along the way, but we’re very excited to share the full church with everyone. See you Sunday!


Fr. Brandon

Renovation Update, Part 22

Hello, and happy Saturday!

It was another busy work week in the church with several important aspects of the renovation nearing completion. Flooring crews continued to lay tile and carpeting, and almost all the new flooring is now installed. Work continued on the confessional/ushers closet, some initial work was completed to install the organ, and the new music library is ready for paint!

Lighting wise, the hanging lights over the side aisles were installed, and they look excellent! The new lights match the church perfectly and look like they’ve always been there.

This coming week is going to be a big one, with all of the new furniture due to arrive from Pennsylvania. This will include the pews, altar, reredos, ambo, frames for the Stations of the Cross, and other various pieces. All of this should be installed by the end of the week, so stay tuned for lots of pictures!

As we near the completion of this project I’d like to remind everyone that we’ll be having an open house on the afternoon of Sunday, January 21 from 1:00pm to 3:00pm EST. Plan on stopping by to see the new church for yourself!


Fr. Brandon

Renovation Update, Part 21

Hello everyone,

Lots of flooring this week! The tile crew continues to do a great job, and you can clearly see the outline of the new pew arrangement. The new location for the baptismal font features a special design in the floor, and it looks incredible. The church flooring has been a huge project, but the completion is now in sight!

A carpeting crew also worked on the lobby, cry room, narthex, and stairways. Having the same flooring in these areas really adds some continuity to the entryway, and looks great!

Work continues on other parts of the project as well. Up in the choir loft the new music library received drywall. On the carpentry front, trim work began on the confessional/usher closet.

There’s lots getting done and lots left to go, but we’re getting there!


Fr. Brandon

Renovation Update, Part 20


Well, this marks the twentieth update post I’ve made as we’ve been moving through this renovation. Over those twenty weeks renovation has to some degree become the norm here at All Saints. It’s hard to believe that we’re approaching the end; I look forward to getting back to normal parish life!

Work on the confessional/closet continued, with the doors installed and stain applied. This stain gives a good sense of the darker finish of the new pews. The dark wood will contrast beautifully with the warm, lighter paint work.

The new music library was framed out, wired for outlets and lighting, and insulated this week. This room is on the right side of the choir loft, looking up from the nave, in the east tower. Previously unused space, this room will provide space for storing and preparing music for the choir.

The rear wall of the church was finally ready for paint this week. It’s not quite complete yet, but the paint really ties the space together. Those new windows look like they’ve always been there!

Finally, flooring installation continued with tile being laid in the church and carpet installed in different hallways. The main aisle is nearly complete, and looks stunning! Flooring will be the main focus at this point in preparation for furniture installation in mid January.

I hope you all have a blessed Fourth Sunday of Advent and Merry Christmas!

Fr. Brandon