Parish and Community Service

Community Service
All Saints Parish works with service groups of other churches and community organizations to help in whatever way we can.  For example, hosting the area-wide Walk/Run for Hunger every June, taking our turn with other churches in providing meals for the students at Bay College, working with area efforts in respect for life.

Parish Service
Whenever various functions take place within the parish, or needs are expressed from individual members, this group works to provide help in any way it can.  For example, receptions after liturgical celebrations, helping people with rides and other assistance.

Social Life
We get together occasionally just to have fun and socialize.  For example, Parish Picnic, Appreciation Social.

Annual Harvest Dinner and Raffle
Each year (second Sunday of October) the parish puts on a chicken/meatball dinner with all the trimmings.  We have a raffle as well as games for kids, Silver Dollar Booth, etc.  Proceeds are used for Christmas Food Baskets and Gifts for needy families (approximately 100 such baskets annually).

Funeral Lunch Committees
Being able to help families at the time of the loss of a loved one is especially important.  All Saints has a policy of including every family unit assigned to a "Funeral Luncheon Committee."  They are responsible for providing a meal for anyone celebrating a Funeral from All Saints Parish.

Knights of Columbus
This is a service organization open to men of the Gladstone/Rapid River area.  They meet on the first Tuesday of each month in the Club Room, located on Delta Avenue.

St. Vincent de Paul Society
All Saints Parish has formed a conference of this national Catholic lay organization.  Their goal is to help the poor through corporal works of mercy.  It has an active membership which meets weekly for spiritual growth and to report what the Lord is doing in our midst.  For more information visit their website:

Serra Club
This group from the Escanaba/Gladstone area is open to men and women who are concerned with the promotion of vocations to the priesthood and religious life.  They meet monthly on the last Friday at 9:00 a.m. at St. Thomas Hall, Escanaba.