All Saints Parish is a community of disciples of Jesus Christ. The experience of our last 100 plus years has enriched us and helped us to become God's people. We continue to move toward a deeper sharing of ourselves with Jesus & each other. Through this sharing of prayer & action we foster, nurture & develop our gifts & talents. Empowered by God's spirit through Baptism to act in his name, formed by his holy Word, and strengthened by our Roman Catholic heritage, we strive for holiness through service to each other and to the larger community of the Church. In this striving we reach out:
- To celebrate in worship and praise
- To provide formation for all ages
We witness to God's peace and justice in the world as we reach out:
- In mutual and ecumenical collaboration
- In caring service
- In responsible stewardship of God's gifts
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves to grow by seeking, inviting, and welcoming others into our community of faith.