Renovation Update, Part 2

Hello, folks!

The main efforts this week were getting the scaffolding set up and continuing work in the choir loft. It will take around one more week to finish up the scaffolding, and then painting can begin! It’s impressive seeing how the scaffolding will allow access to every square inch of the walls and ceiling. The restructuring of the choir loft is pretty much complete, with just finishing work left to do. We started off the week with a giant hole in the choir loft, and ended the week with three large, usable platforms!

I’ve arranged the photos in a roughly chronological order as you scroll through the gallery so you can see stages of progress.

Also, thank you for all of the great feedback on the first update post! We’re happy to show off what’s going on, and it will only get more exciting as we start getting into the paint work.


Fr. Brandon