Campaign Brochure was mailed Friday

On Friday, June 2nd we mailed a packet of campaign information to all registered households who were unable to attend our campaign reception. This package contains important materials for you to review and consider.

 Please set aside some time to go through the packet of information. They hold valuable insights into the vision and impact of our campaign, and your participation is of great importance.

 During Mass this weekend, a member of our Campaign Committee will speak from the pulpit and explain the contents of the materials you received. Their words will provide additional context and inspire you to engage with the campaign on a deeper level.

 Looking ahead, Commitment Weekend will take place June 10th and 11th during Mass. On this significant occasion, Fr. Jamie will invite all parishioners to respond to the campaign by utilizing the enclosed pledge card or pledge envelope, whether received at a campaign reception or through the mail. For your convenience, a digital copy of the campaign materials is also available on our campaign website:

 We sincerely hope you will take this opportunity to prayerfully consider your involvement and make a commitment that aligns with your heart's calling. Your support is vital in bringing our shared vision to fruition and ensuring a bright future for our beloved All Saints community.